The Splendor of Sons Glorifies Their Fathers

Rabbi Daniel Pinto

The chain of the holy Pinto dynasty continued to branch out for generations. The common thread winding through the tapestry of the descendants of this illustrious family was the study of Torah in holiness and purity.

Rabbi Daniel Pinto, zy”a, was the son of the tzaddik and mekubal, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, zy”a. He was an outstanding Torah scholar, who was known as one of the greatest Rabbis of Aram Tzova.

Rabbi Daniel Pinto wrote the holy sefer Lechem Chamudot, which was never printed.

Rabbi Daniel departed to the Heavenly Study Halls on the seventeenth of Menachem-Av, 1681 (5441), may his merits serve to protect us.

Rabbi Shmuel Pinto

Rabbi Shmuel Pinto was the son of Rabbi Daniel Pinto, zy”a. He was a brilliant and prominent posek. Rabbi Shmuel Pinto continued the tradition of his holy ancestors and served as the Rav in the city of Aram Tzova until his passing on the sixth of Kislev, 1715 (5475).

Rabbi Yaakov Pinto

As mentioned, the exiles of Spain emigrated to various countries. Some went to Portugal, others to Europe. A large portion of the Pinto family emigrated to Morocco. First, they stopped over temporarily in the port city of Tangiers, and from there they continued to Marrakesh, where they settled.

One outstanding member of the Pinto family was the gaon Rabbi Yaakov Pinto, zy”a. He was the son of Rabbi Reuven Pinto, zy”a, and the main student of Rabbi Avraham Azulai, zt”l, who wrote an exceptional commentary on the Zohar. Rabbi Yaakov was known for his commentary on the sefer Mikdash Melech on the Zohar, written by his close friend, Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo, zy”a. A commentary by Rabbi Avraham Azulai was also included in the sefer.

In 1783 (5543), the popular sefer Otzrot Hachaim was printed in Tunisia, and in Yerushalayim. Many Rabbanim from the West wrote comments on this sefer, including Rabbi Yaakov Pinto. His comments were mainly on the second part of the sefer.

Rabbi Avraham Pinto

The gaon Rabbi Avraham Pinto, zy”a, was the son of Rabbi Yaakov Pinto. He was an outstanding genius in all areas of the Torah. He wrote many commentaries on sefarim written in his times. He served as the Rav and highest authority in the city of Marrakesh and was a close friend of Rabbi Yitzchak Tzeva, zt”l, the author of the sefer Makom Binah.

In the sefer Chessed V’Emet, a commentary on the Shas compiled by several Rabbanim, which was printed by Rabbi Yitzchak Tzeva, we find the insights of Rabbi Avraham Pinto on Masechet Ketubot (page 43b). In the introduction, Rabbi Yitzchak Tzeva writes a few words about Rabbi Avraham Pinto:

I found a new publication in the city of Viharan, annotations on Masechet Ketubot, by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Rav Avraham Pinto, z”l. He was known as an exceptional person, serving as Chief Rabbi in a large city of Torah scholars and scribes, Marrakesh, the inner West. It is approximately nine years since he departed to the Heavenly Yeshiva (the sefer was printed in 1812 (5572), or 1813 (5573)). His honorable memory is memorialized by his descendants who follow in his way, ordained Rabbis, who also decide halachic rulings, may Hashem grant them long life.

In the introduction to the sefer Chessed V’Emet, Rabbi Yitzchak Tzeva writes that many years ago, he had requested the assistance of Rabbi Avraham Pinto in printing the sefer Makom Binah: I made a request of one of holy lineage, Rabbi Avraham Pinto, z”l, and also from the scholars of his Beit Hamidrash, may Hashem help us glorify His Name, to print another sefer, Makom Binah, compiled from commentaries found in Otzrot Chaim and in the Sefer Hakatan… and from the Rav, their grandfather, the Rif, z”l.

His wish was fulfilled in that same year, and the sefer Makom Binah was reprinted.

Complex Dissertations

When the sefer was reprinted, Rabbi Avraham Pinto added many notes to it, reflecting his own opinions and also the opinions of his father Rabbi Yaakov Pinto. In addition, he wrote annotations on the sefer Sha’arei Binah. Explanations of Rabbi Yaakov Pinto are found on pages 22b-44a, as well as pages 93b until the end of the masechta. Likewise, in the sefer Sha’arei Binah, the first part is dedicated to quoting the explanations of Rabbi Yaakov Pinto on the Sefer Hakavanot. It is interspersed with annotations from Rabbi Avraham, his son, and from his teacher, Rabbi Avraham Azulai, and Rabbi Yaakov of Razhi.

In the sefer Makom Binah, there are complex dissertations of Rabbi Avraham Pinto on the topics of Pesach, Sefirat Ha’omer, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot, from which one can perceive his outstanding brilliance in Torah. His novel insights are interspersed with profound thoughts of great Torah scholars of the past.

Wisdom in Torah

The Sefer Otzrot Hachaim also has annotations from Rabbi Avraham Pinto. Some of his comments are based on the words of the gaonim who preceded him. There are also explanations on the teachings of Rabbi Avraham Azulai, the Rabbi of Rabbi Yaakov’s father, with comments of the Ravam, as well as his father, Rabbi Yaakov Pinto. 

Thus, one can clearly perceive the great extent of his wisdom in Torah.